L'essai gratuit n'est pas contraignant et vous ne serez pas facturé si vous ne souscrivez pas à un abonnement.
À la fin de votre abonnement, il sera automatiquement renouvelé, à moins que vous n'alliez sur votre page de profil et que vous annuliez votre abonnement. Vous pouvez le faire à tout moment pendant la durée de votre abonnement.
When you register for this Offer, you consent to get access to Trademate Sports data immediately, and for the full Offer Period. You agree that your right to withdraw and obtain a refund, is only available within fourteen (14) days after your purchase and is immediately revoked if you use Trademate Sports (the Tradefeed) during that 14-day period. If you wish to receive a refund before the 14-day period is over, you must contact Customer Support. After 14 days from purchase/activation, you may cancel your subscription as described above but you will not receive a refund.