This is the 3rd interview in our series of interviews with Trademate customers. Big thanks to Martin for sharing his answers!
Before I created my TM account back in late 2016 I had no experience in sports trading, since then I've learned a lot, but I still have a lot more to learn.
Know whether you are a person that can handle big swings/variance or not and adjust your presets accordingly. Playing too big of an odds range when you handle variance badly can be pretty tough, though don't let it get to you too bad as it'll turn around. I speak based on my own experience.
I have only been using softs so far and have about 4,500 trades placed.
My current bankroll is about 100,000 NOK.
I think my average is around 200.
In a week my average turnover is about 50,000 NOK, in a month around 200,000 NOK.
It varies a lot, with weekends when I have nothing else going on it can get up to 12+ hours a day. During weekdays it's anywhere from 3 - 7 hours I'd say.
My current fund growth percentage is about 172%.
I've had my share of bad runs, I started off with running complete trash for my first 1500 bets, but I stuck with it and it paid off eventually. My biggest loss was about 10,000 NOK in 2 days. That was just after things started to go really well and I lost almost all my gains, that sucked.
I always liked sports betting, but I wasn't in it for the thrill of winning a ridiculous accumulator every now and then knowing that I was losing money in the long run. I have never understood how people see the fun in that, knowing that they were losers in the long run. I knew there had to be a way to be profitable with this, I just had no clue until I joined Trademate. I've now used Trademate pretty actively since the beginning of 2017 and I'm loving it.
The most fun days are obviously when you go on a nice run-good. But what I really like is to watch the progress I see from month to month with Trademate.
If you would like to share your experiences with using Trademate, let us know via the chat :)
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