What we talk about in this article might be the greatest piece of evidence to show that what we do works.
Throughout July, we hosted a trading competition, challenging 10 Trademate customers to see who could finish the month with the biggest average closing edge, with the winner earning €60 off their next subscription.
In the month of October, 163,584 trades were placed, €10,824,697 was turned over and €587,950 was profited at an ROI of 5.43%! Here is how each sport performed, broken down into recommended leagues (popular leagues) and non-recommended leagues (lower leagues).
Since the beginning, Trademate's bread and butter has been Soccer/Football betting. With roughly 40% of our trades placed coming from the 'world game'. As it says in the title, our users have placed 1.37 million Soccer trades at an ROI of 2.37%. So we thought it would be beneficial to take a deep dive into our Soccer performance and answer some of our most asked questions.
As some of you might have noticed we recently restarted (30th of August) the stats of the Trademate bot on the landing page. We did this as the bot was “betting out of control”, basically it did too good to be realistic. The bot does not actually place the bets at the bookmakers, but registers trades that show up in Trademate that falls within its presets as specified on the bot page. So the numbers were real, but the problem was that it started to register bets with several thousand dollars on smaller games, which would not have been possible to do in reality. Therefore we decided to reset it. With time, were sure it will perform well with time.
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