In the case you want to continue using your favourite bookmaker, you’ve probably thought about using someone else’s account. Some people refer to this as ‘Gnoming’ or a ‘Gnome account’ in the gambling and matched betting world.
What’s the only thing better than finding a great value bet that gives you massive expected value, while taking back some of the profits from the bookies? Finding two or three of them!
Hedging sports bets can enable you to reduce your risk, but it will also reduce your potential ROI. Therefore it is a tradeoff between risk and reward that you as a trader have to make.
In recent years, sports bettors have been given the option of Cashing Out their bets in the middle of a game. This has grown to be a very lucrative revenue source for bookmakers.
In this series, Pro Sports Bettor, Jonas Gjelstad, and the CEO of Trademate Sports, Marius Norheim, discuss the fundamental concepts of value betting.
The most important question that arises when investing – and encapsulates the scepticism towards profitable betting – is the difference between investment and speculation. As the great investor Benjamin Graham puts it; “An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”
Q5: What is the best method to use to make money from sports betting? Value betting, matched betting, arbing, exchange trading or following tipsters?
Q5: What is the best method to use to make money from sports betting? Value betting, matched betting, arbing, exchange trading or following tipsters?
How difficult is it to beat the sports betting markets? How efficient are the odds?
How difficult is it to beat the sports betting markets? How efficient are the odds?
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