Over the months of April and May, we released a series of video on our YouTube channel featuring professional poker players Preben Stokkan & Ben_Apart.
Stokkan has won over $2.2 millions from live poker and specialises in NL Holdem Tournaments. While Ben_ Apart recently won $120,000 in a Sunday Million PokerStars tournament.
Below we have inserted all of the videos we have released with both Preben & Ben. Enjoy!
Preben took us through his best tips for a beginner, when you should buy courses, how to beat high stakes poker and the best days for playing.
In Part 1 of our interview, he talks about how he learnt to play, how the program MonkerSolver kick-started his career, some great alcohol-fueled stories with Jonas Gjelstad, quitting his job to become a pro poker player and how long it took him to become a professional.
In Part 2 of our interview, Ben talks about why he plays PLO, including some tips for new and old PLO players, how his strategy changes based on the amount of players at the table, figuring out the good players from the bad and the most common mistake he sees in PLO.
In Part 3 of our interview, Ben runs us through his simulation software, MonkerSolver, along with a bit of hand analysis. He also reveals how much time it takes to simulate a hand with MonkerSolver, the differences between sims and real life and at which stage of your poker career you should start running simulations.
In Part 4 of our interview, Ben reveals the biggest pot he’s lost, the biggest pot he's won, if he focuses more on losing or winning hands, if he gets nervous when a lot of money is in the pot, whether he plays at casinos much, the biggest lesson poker has taught him, what he's most proud of in his poker career and the introduction of poker simulations in the last 2 years.
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